The Accountability Project– What is it?

It’s a set time, a virtual coworking place, and tools designed to support you in maintaining the momentum your personal, professional, and civic life requires.

What do all your success stories have in common?

You started something, you stuck with it, and you finished.

Not quite that simple though, was it?

We didn’t start out assured of a final outcome.

We simply started. We began.

And we completed our beginnings.

Or some of them.

Let’s face it - not all our beginnings work out.

That’s where The Accountability Project comes in…

Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

Even for Winston Churchill, enthusiastically starting over was no easy feat.

But it can be done and good company helps.

Our regular group participants report that the most significant benefit of their 6 & 12-week courses is their increase in productivity.

Consistently showing up and processing where-I-was vs where-I-am in the daily-ness of our lives - matters.

Checking in and employing new tools while experiencing peer encouragement - energizes us.

Focus comes more easily when we make a regular appointment with ourselves and our projects.

Cohorts embarking “The Accountability Project, a Virtual Coworking Clinic” start regularly - you can opt into notifications
here, or book a call for more information.

Here’s what you’ll get -

  •  A preliminary strategy session to establish your daily, weekly, and monthly goals.

  • A formatted, personalized template designed to help you get clear and measure progress

  • Twelve weekly 60-90 minute virtual coworking sessions designed to focus your attention and create a routine

  • Available guest experts to offer tools and solutions to help with streamlining and structuring your approach to your needs - i.e. re-direction, content creation, marketing, bookkeeping, admin, website/technical support

Your  results will include - 

  • Actionable insights into how to avoid your specific traps 

  • Tools to ensure that you can maintain and continuously improve on
    the processes you’ve put into place

  • A supportive group of allies, advocates, and champions

  • A solid record of positive outcomes attached to three months of exercising new practices will ensure they stay in place

Most significantly, you will learn to manage future changes confidently. 

Let’s make this weekly commitment to the “completion of beginnings” - in good company!

Keep me posted about future programs!


The Artist's Way


It's Never Too Late To Begin Again