The Artist’s Way – What is it?

It’s best described as a personal ‘change management’ program. Resilience can be learned, and all the tools you need are right here.

It is a process. Julia Cameron’s pioneering, and now long proven, the method of “Recovering your Creative Self” is outlined over twelve deceptively simple chapters.

By completing the weekly assigned Tasks you begin a disciplined process of examining the obstacles to becoming the best you can be.

The Morning Pages allows you to develop a daily writing practice which clears the mind of distractions and anxieties, freeing up space for creativity to flourish.

Exercising the discipline of a weekly Artist Date, “assigned play”, you afford yourself quality self-nurturing time. Why? Mindfully present and alone you open yourself up to inspiration, guidance and insights.

It becomes a program for life. The tools keep you deliberately & intentionally focused, you will come to rely upon them. They deliver the insights and impetus you need to become and remain resilient.

When you have completed The Artist’s Way you will:

  • act more confidently

  • overcome your fear of failure

  • be willing to try new things

  • transform your outlook

Most significantly, you will have learned to manage future changes  confidently. 

Today’s survival skills are left behind.

These become tomorrow’s “thrival” skills.

Online facilitated groups are currently forming.

You can also join our free network here & pace yourself through the chapters.

Register interest below for future programs.
Groups start regulary.




The Accountability Project