A Safe Space, Resources & a Tribe
In every discussion about upcoming programs, one question comes up time and time again:
"Why invest in a facilitated group?"
The answer is straightforward: Change is challenging, and even when we've recognized the need and are eager to embark on it, sustaining that change can be daunting.
Facilitated groups provide the framework, structure, and support to ensure that we sustain ourselves through the 6 or 12-week process.
Beyond that, we provide ample opportunities to stay connected - casually in our wider community of group alums - or more formally.
Group alums can revisit the process by joining subsequent groups - or moving on to another book in The Artist's Way series.
A Safe Space
Your facilitated group provides a safe and private space where members can interact.
Access to the Course Materials on our website means that even without the book in hand - the chapter tasks and summaries are as near as your laptop or smartphone.
A dedicated peer group to share insights, questions, 'aha' moments, and experiences ensures that we maintain our momentum, stay focused and positive, and sustain our progress beyond the initial 6 or 12 weeks.
Once you've completed a program, you can choose to repeat it in the future at no additional cost. The only requirement is that you join a new cohort and actively participate in that group.
If you prefer to revisit the course material independently after a year, it's available in the open version of the course. Pace yourself. Sign up for weekly email reminders - or get ongoing support via text chat.
If you decide to explore another book in The Artist's Way series, you're eligible for a substantial discount.
A Tribe
Many group members continue to build lasting relationships and stay in touch long after the course concludes.
Even if this isn't the case, as more people go through our programs (several hundred participants in the ten years before moving online and dozens since), you will become part of a growing community of like-hearted people sharing their journey, experiences, and support.
Cameron’s approach to a creative recovery is drawn from the wisdom, practices and experience of 12-step programs, which emphasize regular meetings and active conversations to keep us focused on our journeys.
Our primary objective is to create an environment where, with discipline, structure, and support, you never have to face life's inevitable changes alone.
And as an aside - Eve’s mission is to ensure that you have a shorter learning curve than she did!